Tuesday 9 September 2014

Newbie ♡

Well here I am, completely new to this whole blogging thing and wondering where the hell to start! Eeek!
I've figured where better to start than 15 things about me :)
Here we go:
1. My names Tara, im 23 and I'm currently from Radcliffe (Bury), even though I was originally born and raised in Bolton and lived in a few places such as Eccles (Manchester) and Blackburn!
2. I am currently in a relationship with a guy called Alan and we've been together on and off for 3 years but officially together for over a year now!
3. I have a beautiful little girl who is my world, she's cheeky and learning quickly and definitely keeping me on my toes!
4. I also have an older step daughter (kind of - not married) She's my boyfriends little girl and she also lives with us, absolutely gorgeous but one hell of a bundle of mischief! I'm going to be old before my time with these two!!
5. I have a select few mates who I love to pieces, but nobody compares to my bestest Aimee ♡
6. Im scared of moths and butterflies, they fly and crawl and are icky! And lets not get me started on spiders and their webs!!
7. I love music, it changes my mood so much! Not listened to much lately and probably explains my temperamental mood lately.
8. I'm such a fussy eater its unreal, I hardly eat meat and when I do its only chicken and maybe a beef burger! I dont particularly like much and find eating one of the most boring things to do!
9. I have a mouth full of sweet teeth, sweets, chocolate and anything sugary is a big win with me! If I could get away with only eating sweet things I would!!
10. I have a weird crush on Russell Howard, I don't know what it is but I find him quite attractive!
11. I have an obsession with small fluffy animals, usually when I see one all you can hear is "AWWWWW" Its that bad even my 1 year old daughter says aww to almost everything haha.
12. I dislike summer, I'd much rather it be winter, snuggly clothes, cuddly nights, dark nights starting early, I LOVE it!!
13. I get soooo bored very easily, whether it be with what I'm doing or my hair, I'll get bored, and if I can't stop or change it I'll get grumpy.
14. I love animated films and tv series, I'll re watch over again and not get bored!!
15. Slight obsession with me to you bears, me and Alan have a 5 door wardrobe and the top is covered with them, plus they overspill onto my bedside table!!
Well there you go, 15 things about me! Hardly exciting but still there it is!

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